New Treatment of Facial Paralysis by

Microsurgery with NTL (Viterbo Technique)

Facial paralysis is a disfiguring disorder with significant psychological impact, emotional and family, leading to these suicidal patients, because these patients are marginalized in their families, work and their social environment ...






New technique in breast augmentation (Technical Reno)

This new technique developed in Brazil by Dr. Waldir Renó in the year 2007, is a technique by incision on the lateral half of the curvature of the new inframammary fold, managed to hide the scar and providing natural results.


Fig 3. Traditional incisions.


Figure 4 New type of incision with Renó technique.


The implant is placed under the pectoralis major muscle, forming a cushion at the bottom along the muscle above serratia, who previously is dissected for the approach to Figure 5-6.

How is the surgery?
1 .- Type of anesthesia: local + sedation.
2 .- Surgical time: 1 hour.
3 .- hospital stay: 8 hours.


Fig 5. Undeveloped breast tissue.                   Fig 5. This result is
                                                                    achieved in the Breast.


Results of this technique?
Using this new technique allows to obtain a symmetrical chest, harmonious and natural, leaving aside the artificial results. It is also the only technique that provides better (skeletonize) the aspect of the rib cage.

Care in the postoperative period?
Use proper bra.
Consecutive tests with a specialist.
Lymphatic drainage, at least 5 sessions.
Do not sleep in the prone position for 8 weeks.
Avoid driving for 3 weeks.

From what age is this surgery?
From age 15.

How long will refund me my job?
After 72 hours in jobs that require no physical activity or exposure to the sun.

How long does an implant?
Large companies producing implants are becoming ever better quality, so far the life of the implant is 15 years, but in the world implant patients over 20 years without problems.

I can breastfeed if I get implants?
The inclusion of the implants do not interfere at all in infancy, however the plastic surgeon will explain the approach that best as envisaged.
Implants cause cancer?
No data exist regarding the possibility that silicone causes cancer, despite the large studies to date.

Which diagnostic methods are effective to detect any small tumor after breast augmentation?
Breast implants placed submuscular level studies do not interfere with mammography and / or ultrasound, ultrasound also is far more effective method.
Breast augmentation is a plastic surgery for cosmetic purposes only?
This surgery can be performed for cosmetic, restorative or reconstructive.

In reconstructive surgery in women with small breast volume known as hipomastia, or total absence of breasts known as amastia, producing a body dissatisfaction.

In reconstructive surgery, in patients with sequelae of breast cancer by physical trauma or injury. Place silicone gel implants, or permanent type expander Baker.



18 months postoperatively




18 months postoperatively




18 months postoperatively




18 months postoperatively










Adress: Acuarela del Río, Manzana 23 (1147) S. 1. Of. 2

Phone: (593-4) 042131713


Guayaquil - Ecuador