New Treatment of Facial Paralysis by

Microsurgery with NTL (Viterbo Technique)

Facial paralysis is a disfiguring disorder with significant psychological impact, emotional and family, leading to these suicidal patients, because these patients are marginalized in their families, work and their social environment ...





Surgery corrects facial paralysis ARTIST
Published by the Daily Express (May 29, 2011)






Surgical intervention is new in Ecuador

A microsurgical artist corrects facial paralysis

Jose Luis Altamirano was always a happy person, his face there was always a smile, but the facial paralysis (right side of the face) made him a serious man, shy and reserved.

Jose Luis Altamirano was always a happy person, his face there was always a smile, but the facial paralysis (right side of the face) made him a serious man, shy and reserved.

The first symptoms of their illness came while in Quito in one of his exhibitions. Recognizing the problem sought help at the INFA, where he received physical therapy (electrical stimulation and massage), the one used at that time in the country. The other option was corrective microsurgery, an alternative José Luis inaccessible because only performed in the U.S., France, Taiwan, Japan and Brazil.

That surgery devised by Dr. Fausto Viterbo, University of Botucatu, Sao Paulo, is no longer exclusive to the first world. Last week, Ecuador entered the short list of countries where it is performed and Jose Luis was the first beneficiary.

The surgery, which involves removing tissue from the thigh to reposition the oral commissure in its normal site was made by Dr. Walter Francis Dirección Huaraca in hospital for eight days after surgery, the patient can smile not only that both sides of mouth opening and closing both eyes at the same time, but get rid of the cap that was accustomed to use to hide their illness.

Still a long way to full recovery, about six months, and though his face still swollen from surgery continues, "its evolution could not be better," said his physician, a young plastic surgeon, specializing in Brazil.

They, and medical patients, met by chance six months ago. That day, Dr. Huaraca had drawbacks to wind up a banner and Jose Luis offered to help, not knowing what was in front of the person who would help to overcome the paralysis of his face.

"God places on the way to the right people" and defines José Luis to meet her doctor, who for several months studied the case and after the tests performed found that his paralysis was not due to one of the known causes but herpes labialis.

With that diagnosis, on May 16 "I entered the operating room with positive mind," and after six hours of surgery, the disease has begun to José Luis yield and is slowly regaining mobility in his right eye in muscles of the forehead and mouth.

"The technique of Professor Fausto Viterbo created in 1992 is one of the best for their successful results," said Huaraca, who to help more poor people Facial Paralysis Foundation opens Ecuador.

For now, there are several patients on the waiting list, including outside of Ecuador, and while today will be the second such surgery (this time a woman), José Luis tries to recover from the emotional problems that caused him the paralysis. "It was not very sociable, preferring to isolate me from my friends," said the young artist, who in a few days back to school, this time to get your degree in art.

Jose Luis lives on art and need public support to cover operating expenses.
People who want help getting their pictures can be communicated to the numbers: 091733253 and 042505489. (REG)













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Guayaquil - Ecuador