New Treatment of Facial Paralysis by

Microsurgery with NTL (Viterbo Technique)

Facial paralysis is a disfiguring disorder with significant psychological impact, emotional and family, leading to these suicidal patients, because these patients are marginalized in their families, work and their social environment ...






Buttock Lift

This is a technique to reposition tissue in the gluteal region is comum observed in those patients with significant weight loss, who underwent bariatric surgery or in some cases gradual physiological aging, in all these cases have redundant tissue flaccid (Tosic) in the buttocks, abdomen and pelvis and trochanteric. Each patient is assessed by individual, details the best treatment options, presenting real expectations regarding the results can be obtained.
Who can benefit from this surgery?
The main indication is sagging at the base of the buttock, which creates an excess buttock tissue that falls on the leg.

Other indications?
Excessively long buttocks, buttocks without any groove that this condition brings aesthetic prejudice, large and asymmetrical buttocks and buttocks with a double row.

How is the surgery?
Any surplus that is down is repositioned and fixed in the bones of the pelvis, this makes up the buttock groove encortado, modeling and reaffirming the base of the buttock. Do not remove fat or subcutaneous fat, but just the surface layers.

Type of anesthesia?: Epidural.

Length of stay?: Two to three days.

Duration of surgery?: Approximately two hours.

As the post-operative? '

The patient can sit on the leg support, can walk, swim. The pain is of medium intensity, but it can be said that there is a reasonable desconfor within 48 hours, being necessary to use relatively strong painkillers.

No need to drain, the formation of a hematoma or bleeding in this region is extremely rare.

Incision site and scar?
The scar is located in the gluteal furrow, so the patient standing, the scar is hidden.

That position may take after surgery?
In ventral lateral decubitus position during 7 -10 days.

Hospital discharge?
The patient receives a medical discharge at 48-72 hours. At home there is no need to lie down, you can walk or sit on the couch, but must be careful to avoid hyperflexion of the trunk over the legs (approximation of the breast to the knees).

Return to work?
Most patients return to their jobs after 10 days is allowed to drive on the twentieth day.

Care in the postoperative period?
Micropore tape called to be used directly on the incision for about three or four months to try to obtain the best possible scar.


Figure 1: The presence of redundant tissue. B. Tissue replacement, providing a youthful appearance of the buttocks.










Adress: Acuarela del Río, Manzana 23 (1147) S. 1. Of. 2

Phone: (593-4) 042131713


Guayaquil - Ecuador