New Treatment of Facial Paralysis by

Microsurgery with NTL (Viterbo Technique)

Facial paralysis is a disfiguring disorder with significant psychological impact, emotional and family, leading to these suicidal patients, because these patients are marginalized in their families, work and their social environment ...







Abdominoplasty The term corresponds to a set of surgical techniques for correction of the abdominal region. The first surgery of this kind was made ​​by Kelly in 1899, for correction belly apron. From this date, numerous specialists contributed to the advancement and refinement of techniques, which include several Brazilian and Alvear, Borzola, Psillakis, Pitanguy, Saldanha.

The term Vibrolipoabdominoplastia, corresponds to a set of techniques that includes the association of Vibroliposuction + abdominoplasty.

The VIBROLIPOABDOMINOPLASTIA, technique used in Brazil since 1999 with excellent results. With one of these devices as Lipomatic called by the input and output of compressed air in a small cylinder makes the tube 3-6 mm diameter is subjected to forward and backward movements ranging from 3-6mm excursion. Thus adipose tissue (fat) is liquefied and aspirated

Plastic surgery of the abdomen are common in the anterior abdominal wall that is in the plane formed by the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

The plastic surgeon considers three basic elements for the realization of a Vibrolipoabdominoplastia skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscular portion. Thus the elasticity and sagging skin and excess fat tissue and its distribution are initially analyzed.

The Vibrolipoabdominoplastia is indicated in cases of sagging skin large, variable adipose tissue and muscle diastasis of the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles.


Figure 1. A, Vibroliposuction abdominal wall, lower B Incision more descolamento Scarpa's fascia at the level of the rectus abdominis.


Figure 2. C, Plication of the rectus abdominis. D, amputation of excess skin flap.


Figure 3. E, Onfaloplastia more approximating the top and bottom flaps. F, Synthesis planes.




Postoperative care?
The patient should remain at rest for 24-48 hours until drains are removed. The stitches will be removed 7-10 days. The use of modeling elastic band usually be initiated in the immediate postoperative and remained for a period ranging up to 3 months.

When I can back my job?
Normally at 7 days in jobs that do not require physical exertion or exposure to sunlight.

I can be denaje node in the postoperative period?
The role of this em beautician minimize the effects of the changes that occur after surgery,

The beautician can be quite effective in the task of educating the patient and family regarding daily care of hygiene and protection, through practical demonstration stages as Cleaning the skin with the proper use of moisturizers daylight and at night. The most important treatments performed are abulatoeiales massage, fitness facial, skin hydration and scar camouflage.

The main effects that lead to this maneuver are:
- Increases blood circulation
- Mobilisation of the interstitial fluid
- Prevention in the formation of fluid collections ..
- Decreased or increased skin sensitivity.










Adress: Acuarela del Río, Manzana 23 (1147) S. 1. Of. 2

Phone: (593-4) 042131713


Guayaquil - Ecuador