New Treatment of Facial Paralysis by

Microsurgery with NTL (Viterbo Technique)

Facial paralysis is a disfiguring disorder with significant psychological impact, emotional and family, leading to these suicidal patients, because these patients are marginalized in their families, work and their social environment ...






Crural lift post-bariatric surgery

The increased number of patients with large weight loss is mainly due to the various bariatric procedures available today.

Ex-obese patients may have body contour deformities and lower limbs. The crural lipodystrophy caused by the sagging and loss of skin turgor especially in the medial aspect of the leg, often cause difficulty walking and hygiene as well as dermatitis or repeated infections.

The crural lift is a procedure used in cases of great weight loss and sagging skin, application of vibrolipoaspiración before resection allows resection safer and more acceptable results.

The crural lift with previous vibrolipoaspiración produce satisfactory results, therefore requires a judicious planning of incisions terms of positioning a fixation of tissues.

Type of anesthesia?: Epidural

Length of stay?: 24 hours

Duration of surgery?: 3 hours

As the post-operative?
The pain is of medium intensity, and anti-inflammatory analgesic use tends to improve as a whole.

Care in the postoperative period?
Micropore tape called to be used directly on the incision for about three or four months to try to obtain the best possible scar.

What position can take after surgery?
At home there is no need to lie down, you can walk or sit on the couch with her legs spread, but must be careful to avoid hyperflexion of the legs during the first week (approximation of the breast to the knees).

Incision site and scar?

The vertical scar along the inner thigh in the form of T, depending on the sagging skin, usually has good healing to be imperceptible.

Return to work?
Most patients return to their jobs after 10 days is allowed to drive after 10days.


Figure 1: preopraratorio and post-operative










Adress: Acuarela del Río, Manzana 23 (1147) S. 1. Of. 2

Phone: (593-4) 042131713


Guayaquil - Ecuador